IGN Text Message Marketing

We take care of all the technical stuff

So you can take care of your business.


Text Message Marketing

Here is why Text Message Marketing with IGNnotify is so simple.

  • Service request tracking registration

    Step 1

    Become A Member

    Ready to turbocharge your business? Fill out our registration form below and get ready to watch your clientele grow faster than a Chia Pet on steroids!

  • Step 2

    Promote and Add Subscribers

    Using the supplied QR code, display it at your business location, share it on social media, and embed it on your website. Now sit back and watch your fanbase grow faster than rumors at a family reunion.

  • Step 3

    Send Subscribers Messages

    Schedule events and send out reminders or schedule messages to be sent to your subscriber list, or simply send a message now and watch your subscribers react faster than a squirrel chasing a nut! 🚀✨

  • Step 4

    Analyze and Optimize

    Analyze the effectiveness of your campaigns. How many subscribers did you reel in? Who showed up to the party, and most importantly, how much did your sales dance up the charts? It's like Sherlock Holmes meets the stock market – elementary, my dear marketer!


Sit back, chill, and prosper!

Feeling overwhelmed by the thought of diving into text message marketing? Fear not! We've got your back like a loyal sidekick. Sit back, relax, and let our team of marketing superheroes handle the setup for you. We'll customize everything to fit your style faster than you can say 'super-califragilistic-expialidocious.' In just a few short days, your text message marketing campaign will be soaring like a superhero in spandex – no technical headaches required!

We understand that getting started with text message marketing can seem daunting, which is why we're here to take care of all the setup for you, allowing you to focus on what you do best – running your business. Our team of experts will handle every aspect of the setup process, tailoring our approach to meet your unique needs and goals. With our seamless setup service, rest assured that your text message marketing campaign will be up and running smoothly in just a few short days, eliminating the hassle of technical configurations.

The Power of Direct Communication Marketing

At your fingertips with IGNnotify


Boost Your Sales

  • In today's fast-paced digital world, the ability to reach your customers instantly with your message is paramount for business success.
  • Social proof is a powerful driver of engagement, as it validates the credibility and popularity of your business.
  • By leveraging personalized approaches in SMS marketing, businesses can unlock a myriad of benefits that foster deeper connections with customers and drive tangible results.
  • Text messages have exceptionally high open rates which makes text message marketing an effective way to ensure that your message is seen by your target audience.
  • With our drip campaigns schedule messages in advance based on an event and set up dates that trigger specific messages to go out.
  • Instantly know how many customers each message is engaging with before it's sent out.